About EVI

English Vocabulary initially started as a “Word Description” page on Social Media. EVI website was started on user’s demand. EVI publishes News related General Knowledge, Verbal Ability, Verbal Reasoning content helping user’s self-learn without a trainer. User’s are General Audience interested in General Knowledge, Vocabulary & Aspirants preparing or taking competitive tests including CAT, GRE, IELTS, SAT, TOEFL, UPSC, Banking and more… 

English Vocabulary Info focuses more on some important sections of Verbal Ability namely Antonyms, Cloze Test, Comprehension, One Word Substitutes, Selecting Word’s, Spotting Errors, Synonyms & some important sections of Verbal Reasoning namely Arithmetic Reasoning, Syllogism, Jumbled Word’s

What’s the meaning of Vocabulary ?

Body of Word’s used in a particular language

What is Verbal Ability ?

Cognitive ability to understand and to effectively use language. Verbal Ability involves proficiency in Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Critical Thinking, Logical Deduction

Verbal Ability Sections : Antonyms, Cloze, Change of Speech, Change of Voice, Completing Statements, Comprehension, Idioms & Phrases, One Word Substitues, Ordering of Sentences, Ordering of Words, Paragraph Formation, Selecting Words, Sentence Correction, Sentence Formation, Sentence Improvement,  Spellings, Spotting Errors, Synonyms, Verbal Analogies

What is Verbal Reasoning ?

Cognitive ability to understand, analyze, interpret information in written or spoken form. Verbal Reasoning includes Drawing logical conclusions, Identifying relationships between words & concepts, Logical Thinking, Problem Solving.

Verbal Reasoning Sections : Analogy, Arithmetic Reasoning, Blood Relation Test, Cause & Effect, Classificaton, Data Sufficiency, Direction Sense Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Series Completion, Syllogism, Venn Diagrams, Verification of Truth

Does EVI conduct mock test’s ?

EVI may run mock test’s from time to time. User’s will be updated via notifications before or when test’s are conducted

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